Tuesday, August 30, 2011

If I had a million dollars...

Lake Huron Shoreline, Caseville, MI

A few weekends ago my husband and I went to nearby Lake Huron to meet up with some dear friends who were in the area on vacation.  While we walked the beach we came across this beautiful script in the sand.  With only footprints left behind it was as if the quote had been written there just for us to discover.  Ever since that day I keep finding myself humming the old Barenaked Ladies song, you know the one, where he's going to buy the fancy ketchup and an ottoman with his cool million?

This song is so foolish but terribly catchy.  When the Rock Spectacle album came out I went with some friends to see the Barenaked Ladies perform on New Years Eve at the Palace of Auburn Hills.  That night I sang my heart out in the cheap seats, celebrating the start of 1999 with some of my best high school friends.  I felt like a million bucks.

There have been many more times throughout the last twelve and a half years where I have felt like a million dollars - walking across the stage to shake hands and receive my diplomas, my wedding day, the phone call offering my first "real" job.  Each time I felt that nervous heart pounding kind of excitement that only comes with the big things, the real stuff of life.

Although my checkbook may never reflect these million dollar moments in time, I also don't think that any amount of money can buy true happiness.  Happiness depends upon ourselves.  It's the small quiet moments in each day along with the big exciting moments throughout our lives that make up the mural of our time here.  Being able to realize this for myself has put things into a new perspective for me as I try to take time to consciously enjoy the life I lead.  Like the song says, "if I had a million dollars, I'd be rich".  But, I'm pretty sure I already am.


P.S. Less philosophy, more knitting soon... I promise.

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