Wednesday, January 18, 2012

There's no day like a Snow Day...

... like no day that I know!  Excuse me while I sing a few bars of my version of the Sinatra classic because today, and on other blustery winter days, the best business to be in is education. :) 

After starting the winter season snowless, windy, and all around brown, it is exciting to look outside and finally see some of the white stuff, even if it is cold enough to make your eyes water and freeze the inside of your nose.

It is phone calls like the one I received this morning on my way into the shower that make unexpected days off like today so great.  It is all in the anticipation.  You go to bed watching the weather report, crossing your fingers, with the volume on your cell phone that is strategically placed 12 inches from your pillow turned up, and you hope that it rings bright and early with an anti-wake up call.  If your like me, when the call comes you eagerly turn on the television just to be confident that what you just heard with your own ears, mind you, is being confirmed in the School Closings scroll at the bottom of the morning newscast.  Which of course, is completely ridiculous if you think about it because I am almost positive that my fellow co-worker would not actually take the time to make a prank phone call at 5:15 AM on some random snowy day, but you know, you just gotta be sure!

Of course I am making it sound like I only work in education for the days off, which is not true.  They are just one of the very nice perks!  I do in fact, love my job and had every intention of getting a bunch of stuff checked off the list that is on my desk patiently waiting for me.  Tomorrow I will have to reschedule a meeting, for the third time, since today was finally a day that most everyone involved could attend; meet with a number of students that I planned to see over two days instead of one since students also have Friday off; cram some testing in (where it fits), of students for our school-wide reading initiative; work with 16 students on creating their Educational Development Plans online; and get ready to make an hour long presentation to my staff on our standardized testing results bright and early Friday morning.  Oh, and drive a half hour for an appointment and a trip to Home Depot after work (more about that later).

Whew!  I am getting tired just thinking about it - it is probably a good thing I have today to rest up. ;)

Be safe out there my friends.  Winter it seems, has taken hold at last.


P.S. Check back very soon for updates, knitting and otherwise!